The oldest profession in the world ...
probably !!!
The Sketch

04 Art. Urban, Rural and Coasal sketcher
From cave drawings to today's cgi's the sketch has always been the backbone of man's method of communication. Whether in the form of communicating ideas or recording physical subjects, sketching has been paramount in our advancement. I just wonder where would be without the enormous body of DaVinci's work encompassing biology, botany, engineering, architecture etc.

My entire working life has involved the practice of sketching, whether it be in fields of architecture, interior or graphic design and I have experienced many changes during this period, mostly all good, but it really all comes back to the pencil/pen and a piece of paper. I have always found magic in the initial process of just scribbling ideas, out of which, something always evolves. Of course once the initial concept has formed, the computer, then affords us the ease to explore further avenues, but, nonetheless is still just another tool in our armoury.